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Distributors & Master Trainers
Six Thinking Hats for Schools
Anyone is welcome to purchase and use the Books called “Six Thinking Hats For Schools and Families”.
If you are a teacher and wish to promote your services as a teacher using the Six Thinking Hats then you must be formally accredited by us (further details here).

A Six Thinking Hats school is committed to encouraging and teaching thinking as a skill. This means providing inspiring lessons dedicated to thinking skills delivered by an accredited teacher using the authorised materials - before the method is applied in core curriculum subjects.
Schools that wish to promote their use of The Six Thinking Hats must read these Terms and Conditions and then agree using the form at the end. We will then supply the Badge
Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Badge by Schools
1. Who we are
We are Edward de Bono Ltd, a limited company incorporated in England and Wales, company number 11433091 and registered address at First Floor, Templeback, 10 Temple Back, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS1 6FL.
You can contact us at:
2. When these Terms and Conditions apply
We are the sole and exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights in the books called “Six Thinking Hats For Schools and Families” (Books), the trademarks “de Bono” and “Six Thinking Hats” (Trademarks) and the badge above (Badge).
Anyone is welcome to purchase and use the Books called “Six Thinking Hats For Schools and Families”.
These Terms and Conditions apply to any School that wishes to promote your use of The Six Thinking Hats. We define a School as an academic institution that has the necessary licences and qualifications to teach children and be referred to as a school in the jurisdiction where you operate (“School”).
3. Conditions for the use of “The Six Thinking Hats”
You may only use the Badge to promote your School if:
someone with the necessary authority at your School accepts these terms and conditions;
the teacher(s) that will deliver the Six Thinking Hats is/are formally accredited by us;
your School purchases the Books for the teacher(s) and students who will take part in the thinking lessons;
your School only uses the Badge in accordance with our guidelines.
When a School accepts these terms and conditions, we will grant that school a fully-paid, non-exclusive, worldwide, non-sublicensable, revocable licence to use the Badge exclusively for including the Badge in the School marketing materials, website and social media.
You cannot use the Books, the Trademarks and/or the Badge:
for marketing and promotion purposes other than in accordance with these terms and conditions;
to give any condition or warranty or make any representation on our behalf;
to incur any liability for us or on our behalf; or
to promote any third-party.
You shall not:
modify the Badge;
use the Badge for any purpose not described in these terms and conditions.
use the Trademarks other than as part of the Badge.
4. Changes to the Badge
We reserve the right to modify the Badge at any time at our discretion. If you do so, we will notify you and you shall immediately start to use the Badge as modified. If you believe you will not be able to immediately use the modified Badge for any reason, you shall inform us and we will instruct you how to proceed in relation to the use of the Badge as it was before the modification.
5. Duration of your use of the Badge
We may revoke your licence to use the Badge at any time by giving notice to you if you do not comply with these terms and conditions or if we have reasons to believe that you are unlikely to be able to comply with these terms and conditions. If we revoke your licence to use the Badge, you must immediately cease to use the Badge and ensure that any materials containing the Badge are destroyed (if printed) or deleted (if digital).
6. Our liability
We warrant that we own the intellectual property rights in relation to the Books and the Badge and that their use in accordance with these terms and conditions will not infringe the rights of third parties.
Except for the above warranty on the ownership of intellectual property rights in relation to the Books and the Badge, we do not give any warranty or guarantee unless expressly required by law. In particular, we do not warrant that the use of the Book or the Badge will result in any particular outcome for you and your School.
You are solely and exclusively responsible for the use of the Books and the Badge in accordance with these terms and conditions.
7. Indemnity
You shall defend, indemnify and hold us harmless against any damages or losses we may suffer as a result of or in connection with your failure to comply with these terms and conditions, including without limitation, unauthorised use of the Badge.
8. Governing law and jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales.
Any disputes arising in connection with these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
These Terms and Conditions were published 23rd June 2023